Project nanoMECommons
Title: Harmonisation of EU-wide nanomechanics protocols and relevant data exchange procedures, across representative cases; standardisation, interoperability, data workflow (nanoMECommons)
NanoMECommons will establish a transnational and multidisciplinary research and innovation network to tackle the problem of nanomechanical materials characterisation in multiple industries. The focus of NanoMECommons is to employ innovative nano-scale mechanical testing procedures in real industrial environments, by developing harmonised and widely accepted characterisation methods, with reduced measurement discrepancy, and improved interoperability and traceability of data. To achieve this goal, NanoMECommons will offer protocols for multi-technique, multi-scale characterisations of mechanical properties in a range of industrially relevant sectors, together with novel tools for data sharing and wider applicability across NMBP domain: reference materials, specific ontologies and standardised data documentation.
Title: An experimentally-validated multi-scale materials, process and device modelling & design platform enabling non-expert access to open innovation in the Organic and Large Area Electronics Industry (MUSICODE)
MUSICODE is an ambitious project which addresses the H2020 Call DT-NMBP-11-2020 "Open Innovation Platform for Materials Modelling" that will develop a novel Open Innovation Materials Modelling Platform to enable the Organic and Large Area Electronics Industry (OLAE) to expediate accurate and knowledgeable business decisions on materials design and processing for optimization of the efficiency and quality of OLAE device manufacture.
This platform will integrate:
- Material, process and device modelling with workflows spanning the micro-, meso- and macro- scales, validated by expert academic and industry partners.
- Integrated data management and modelling framework with ontology-based semantic interoperability between scales, solvers, data and workflows, with industry-accepted material and process modelling parameters and protocols, employing graphical user interface tools for workflow design, analysis, optimization and decision making.
- Plug-ins to Materials Modelling Marketplaces, Open Translation Environment, Business Decision Support Systems, etc. and to High Performance Computing infrastructures for workflow execution. The platform will demonstrate industry user case workflows to optimize OLAE materials selection & design as well as printing and gas-phase manufacturing.
The MUSICODE Business Plan will ensure the platform sustainability, exploitation and industrial adoption beyond the project, with the ambition to become the central Open Innovation Hub for the OLAE industry and evolve as the central paradigm for cross-domain applications.
H2020 Project FlexFunction2Sustain
Title: FlexFunction2Sustain - Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled surfaces and membranes
Plastic and paper based flexible materials and films are used in a wide range of daily life products e.g. in packaging, furniture surface finish, consumer electronic devices, architecture or in car windows.
Applications represent well established multi-billion Euro markets. Key Enabling Technologies for a majority of these applications are based on nano-enabled functionalization of the surfaces. Today, Industry faces game-changing, critical challenges for societal acceptance and economic competitiveness: (1) Overcome plastic waste pollution and follow the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy towards the development of sustainable materials; (2) Keep pace with digitisation and get products ready for integration of smart systems and intelligent products. FlexFunction2Sustain will be the first European Initiative to support the Industry in overcoming these challenges through a sustainable Open Innovation Ecosystem. FlexFunction2Sustain will develop dedicated services to boost innovation for nano-functionalised flexible plastic and paper surfaces and membranes and offer those services to users, in particular SMEs, in all 28 EU countries through an independent single entry point (SEP) legal entity with multiple regional front offices. FlexFunction2Sustain connects complementary pilot lines to a set of 9 connected lab-2-fab facilities covering all major nano-surface processing techniques for (flexible) plastic and paper surfaces and membranes. The facilities and novel surface functionality will be demonstrated in six relevant industrial application scenarios. 20 pre-commercial pilot cases will demonstrate the Services of the FlexFunction2Sustain OITB.
The FlexFunction2Sustain OITB is prepared to support the client at any point in the innovation chain from TRL4 to TRL7 with and integrated technological, business development and verification/pre-certification service portfolio that helps the client to progress quickly through the innovation chain.
H2020 Project RealNano
Title: In-line and Real-time Nano-characterization technologies for the high yield manufacturing of Flexible Organic Electronics
The main objectives of RealNano are the following:
- Develop rapid and real-time nanoscale, multi- modal & scale characterization tools/methodologies for OEs
- Integrate the non-destructive nano-characterization tools in in-line R2R printing and OVPD Pilot to Production Lines
- Develop characterization protocols and Data Management for interoperability across industries
- Demonstrate the tools in industrial OE processes for improvement of quality and reliability of products
- Validation of OE product quality and manufacturability on commercial applications
- Effective Transfer of results to industry by Open Innovation (Dissemination, Training, Networking/Clustering) and Management
The above can be only addressed by a European approach and a transnational cooperation between excellent entities in characterization/modelling and industrial entities with unique pilot lines. This project will bring together academic, SME and industrial partners with world-class excellence and established track-record in metrology tools and manufacturing.
This project will have a huge impact and will transform the manufacturing processes for Organic Electronics Industry and for other Industries as Thin Films (e.g. functional films, antimicrobial and decoration coatings, barriers), Electronics, Wearables, Energy, Automotive, Transport, Space, Health, etc.
H2020 Project Smartline
Title: Smart In-line metrology and control for boosting the yield and quality of high-volume manufacturing of Organic Electronics
The main objectives of the SmartLine proposal are:
- Development of robust non-destructive optical and electrical metrology tools and methodologies
- Integration of in-line metrology tools in R2R printing and OVPD Pilot to Production Lines
- Development of a Unique Platform for the feedback of in-line metrology tools to control the processes
- Optimization of manufacturing processes reliability in pilot and production lines and fabrication of tailored OPV and OLEDs and demonstration to industrial applications (e.g. automotive)
FP7 Project Smartonics
Title: Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics
The target of the Smartonics project is the development of Pilot lines that will combine smart technologies with smart nanomaterials for the precision synthesis of Organic Electronic (OE) devices.
The Smartonics objectives are:
- Development of smart Nanomaterials for OEs (polymer & small molecule films, plasmonic NPs and super-barriers) by process and computational modeling optimization
- Development of smart Technologies (r2r printing and OVPD machines combined with precision sensing & laser tools and processes)
- Integration of Nanomaterials & Technologies in Pilot lines for precision synthesis of Nanomaterials & OE devices, optimization, demonstration and evaluation for Industrial applications.