cornet ko jan2018

The Kick-Off Meeting of the H2020 CORNET project took place at Brussels 26th January 2018 with the participation of S. Logothetidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki-Coordinator), A. Laskarakis (AUTh), V. Matskos (OET), A. Zamboni (CRF), L. Belforte (CRF), Y. Bonnassieux (CNRS), P. Baumann (AIXTRON), R. Silva (University of Surrey), L. Penninck (Fluxim), E. Lidorikis (University of Ioannina), D. Dykeman (Granta), M. Wickham (NPL), F. Logothetidi (HOPE-A) and the Project Officer M. Idiri (EC).

The main objectives of the Kick-Off Meeting were to introduce the teams of the project and its administration and to present and discuss in depth the project objectives, the workplan and the next steps for the first 6 months, as well as the next Technical Meetings and the work for the preparation of the first deliverables of the project.